America was a free land that had been conquered by the Native Americans that were already establish in the land. The Native Americans lived by their own rules and traditions, until the Portuguese and Spaniards decided to take over their land and claim it as their own. Chritopher Columbus' accidental voyage changed the way both the Indian's and European's way of life. New products were made in the Americas that simply benefited European's cravings of more luxuries. New technology was created as a result of exploration, the Portuguese were able to create long-lasting ships and compasses that were able to help the mariners sail the oceans quicker and safer. These luxuries caused a great economical and social impact onto the Native Americans who had never seen metals and lethal armor; therefore, the Europeans had a much better advantage than the Native Americans. Trade routes had been established by both Portuguese and Spanish in order to make the lands in the Americans useful and profitable. The impact that they had in the Native Americans was extremely negative because they deprived them of their freedom and who they were; however, it also benefited the people living in Europe and how people started to interact with others.
The rulers of Spain did not want to share the new land they found but eventually the Portuguese also found it with the help of Chritopher Columbus. The Treaty of Tordesillas was an agreement as to what portion of the world did the Portuguese and Spanish shared. The Portuguese own mostly south of the world and the Spanish owning the west side. The Europeans noticed that the Native Americans were not able to sustain the amount of labor they wanted them to do so a triangular trade was created. This triangular trade composed of the Europeans would sail south to Africa and capture slaves, then would travel to the Americans in which they left the slaves and collected goods, and would travel back into Europe. John Rolfe, a Spanish man, was the first to perfect the making of tobacco in 1612. The Spanish first benefitted from planting tobacco because it could be planted visually anywhere. The Portuguese benefited from the sugar plantations, a rich man's crop, the reason why it was extremely important was because not many people were able to grow sugar canes. The Native Americans did not have the immune system to fight against European diseases and harsh labor. Those Native Americans were either wiped out because of disease or because the Europeans simply killed them. The Ecomienda System was created in order to change the Native Americans and Christianize them. Many of the languages that the Native Americans spoke were lost because they were being taught that they could only speak English. Cultures were lost because the Europeans had taken over land that was already inhabited.
The Europeans had a negative effect on the Native Americans in am economic aspect because they were not able to work in the fields and even if they did they still became slaves of European self-interest. Socially, the Europeans were exterminating culture amongst the Native Americans; as a result, the Europeans and Native Americans interacted and created new races. New technology was spread such as ships, compasses, and foods. Both the Portuguese and Spanish created a system in which the Native Americans had to say in, when their land and culture was taken away all they could do was give up their lives to labor and dictatorship or die trying to be free.